Urge pH-D Feminine Health to Cancel Its Crude Ad!

Urge pH-D Feminine Health to Cancel Its Crude Ad!

Unfortunately, pH-D Feminine Health offends conservative parents in its latest commercial, “Love and Hearts for your Lady Parts.” In this ad, the company proudly brings awareness to its transparent approach to the nicknames for a woman’s genitals, but this current approach to advertising takes an unnecessary and inappropriate turn.

First, the commercial states, “There are a lot of interesting names we give our lady parts,” immediately giving several specific examples.

Then the ad continues, “At pH-D, we don’t give a blueberry muffin what you call your lady parts as long as you take serious care of them with the number one, doctor-recommended pH-D Feminine Health.”

So, pH-D has deliberately decided to produce a controversial advertisement instead of a wholesome one. This type of advertising assumes that crudeness is comical. One Million Moms finds this highly inappropriate.

What’s worse, pH-D’s advertisements air during primetime when families are most likely to be watching. How damaging and destructive to children! Everyone knows children repeat what they hear. They should be more responsible in their marketing decisions.

Let pH-D know that, as a parent and a consumer, you are disgusted by their recent marketing choices. They need to know parents disapprove!


If you agree this marketing campaign is inappropriate, please sign our petition urging pH-D to cancel this commercial immediately.

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