Pfizer's Inappropriate "I Got My Shot Together!" Ad

Pfizer's Inappropriate "I Got My Shot Together!" Ad

Pfizer’s new commercial promotes the COVID-19 booster and flu shot, informing viewers that both shots can be taken together. The ad also includes a double entendre that is inappropriate and unnecessary. Foul language (or the implication of it) is not needed in this or any commercial. Yet, that is obviously what Pfizer intended with this commercial’s play on words.

The ad begins with individuals announcing, “I got my sh*t together!” with a beep over the s-word. And by “sh*t,” the actors in the ad are referring to the combined COVID-19 booster and flu shot, but viewers understand exactly what was implied when the pharmaceutical company chose to include phrases that sound just like curse words.

The commercial continually mentions the insinuated but obviously profane “I Got My Shot Together!” statement multiple times throughout the rest of the advertisement, while each actor proudly shows post-shot bandages.

This type of advertising is entirely unnecessary. Pfizer has deliberately decided to produce controversial advertisements instead of wholesome ones. One Million Moms finds this highly inappropriate.

What’s worse, these Pfizer advertisements air during prime time, when families are most likely to be watching. How damaging and destructive to children! Pfizer should be more responsible in its marketing decisions.

Apparently, Pfizer executives do not care about what children are exposed to. Everyone knows kids repeat what they hear. This ad demonstrates weak marketing, and Pfizer should have the corporate responsibility not to use an age-old euphemism that offends families.

As a parent and a consumer, let Pfizer know that you are offended that the company does not care about the impression made on our children. And let them know that you are disgusted by their recent marketing choices.

Pfizer needs to know that parents disapprove!


If you agree this marketing campaign is inappropriate, please sign our petition urging Pfizer to cancel this “I Got My Shot Together!” commercial immediately.


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