Mountain Dew’s Distasteful Ad!

One Million Moms has received many complaints regarding Mountain Dew’s latest ad campaign, which features the “Mountain Dude” and includes a very inappropriate and unnecessary double entendre. Foul language (or implication of it) is not needed in this or any advertisement, but that is apparently what Mountain Dew intended with its play on words.
The campaign praises its soda, of course, but the commercials don’t stop there, since each advertisement quite obviously insinuates profanity as well.
For example, in one ad, a man is sitting on a donkey when the Mountain Dude appears and says, “Hey, on the mountain, we’ve got a saying: ‘Get off your …!’”
After a pause, the television commercial continues, “Ah, applying …!”
At this point, the viewer knows what is being said, even though the animal’s bray covers the final word.
(As a side note, the YouTube and streaming versions of this ad do contain the a-word.)
Mountain Dew chose to include this profane insinuation and to end the ad with viewers understanding exactly what was implied.
This type of advertising is entirely unnecessary. Mountain Dew has deliberately decided to produce controversial advertisements instead of wholesome ones. One Million Moms finds this highly inappropriate.
Apparently, Mountain Dew’s executives do not care about what children hear, despite how damaging and destructive such ads are to our children. Everyone knows kids repeat what they hear. This ad demonstrates weak marketing, and Mountain Dew should have the corporate responsibility not to use an age-old euphemism that offends families.
Let them know that, as a parent and a consumer, you are disgusted by their recent irresponsible marketing choices.
Mountain Dew needs to know that parents disapprove!
If you agree this marketing campaign is inappropriate, please sign our petition urging Mountain Dew to cancel this “The Mountain Is Calling” commercial immediately.